Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Week of February 6-9th, 2018

The Giver Chapter Questions

* Chapter 3, 4, and 5 are due by Wend. Feb. 7th

Chapter 3

  1. What did Jonas and the newchild that his father brought home have in common?
 2. What kind of transportation did Jonas’s father use?
 3. What was the name of the newchild’s comfort object?
 4. Why did Mother discourage Lily when she expressed a wish to be a Birthmother?
 5. When did children in the community begin their volunteer hours?
 6. What was the newchild’s name?
 7. What public announcement, specifically directed at Jonas, had been made the month before?
 8. Why were Jonas and Asher playing catch with an apple?
 9. What had happened as Jonas watched the apple?
 10. What kind of clothing did Jonas wear?

Chapter 4

1. Why didn’t Jonas do volunteer hours with his friend Asher very often?
 2. How many years did children work and learn as volunteers?
 3. Why didn’t Jonas talk to the Eleven named Benjamin about his accomplishments?
 4. Whose bicycle was parked beside Asher’s outside the House of the Old?
 5. What work were Jonas and his friends doing in the House of the Old?
 6. What were the rules about nakedness in the community?
 7. What happened during the ceremony of Roberto’s release?
 8. Why hadn’t Larissa been impressed with Edna’s release?
 9. What was Roberto’s mood when he walked thorough the special door in the Releasing Room?
 10. What happened during an actual release?

Chapter 5

  1. What was the vivid dream that Jonas told at the morning ritual?
 2. What did Mother say about the strong feeling that Jonas had during his dream?
 3. Why did Jonas’s parents and his friend Asher take a pill each morning?
 4. How long will Jonas have to take the pills?
 5. What happened when Jonas tried to recall his pleasurable dream?

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