Monday, March 30, 2015

Week of March 30-April 6, 2015

This week we will continue to work on nouns and adjectives. Also going to be working on elaborating sentences.  Make sure to turn in all missing assignments.  

W. W.:
We will continue to discuss lesson 4.  Lets continue to have fun, exploring the wonder of words.

Good luck to all 7th and 8th graders taking the STAAR test this week. Remember that you can do it. 

Together you will SOAR!!!

Monday: STAAR 
Tuesday : STAAR
Thursday: University T-shirt
Friday: Spirit T-Shirt
              Early release
              Panoramic Picture money due 

*$100 for the end-of-year field trip due 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Week of March 23-27

This week we will continue to write our final draft for our essay. Also, we will go over nouns, pronouns, verbs and adverbs. The following are some websites that will give you a better understanding of what these are and how they are used.

Wonderful Words

This week we will start with lesson four.  We will continue to explore the wonders of SAT words. 

Thursday: University T-shirt
Friday: Spirit T-shirt

* Ens of Year Trip Money Due on April 3rd 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Week of March 16-20

Welcome back! Its that time again, to get back on task.  This week we will be going over the different types of sentences. As we all know there are four different types of sentences which are declarative, imperative, exclamatory and interrogative. We will be going to be discussing the different characteristics of each type of sentence. The following sites will help you have a better understanding of what each of they type of sentence is.

Wonder Words:
We will continue to discuss and analyse SAT words. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

 Week of March 2-6, 2015


 This week we will be learning the importance of combining sentences.  We will work on some activities to improve sentences by combing them to create a more effective way to convey a message.  Be ready to have some fun this week! These are some pages that can aide you to have a better understanding of combining sentences.

Wonderful Words
We will continue with the second part of our Lesson 3 words. Research each of the words, remember the better that the more information that you have of a word the better that you will be able to understand it. 


Monday: Panoramic Picture
Tuesday: Dr. Seuss's B-DAY!
Wednesday: Open House
Thursday: Wear college t-shirt
Friday:* PI day
           *Wear Spirit t-shirt

Spring Break next week (March 9-13)