Monday, May 18, 2015

Week of May 18-22

We will continue with the Action Adventure Project.  We will Finalize our projects Monday and Tuesday, and start presentations on Wednesday. Remember to include all components discussed (sensory details, dialog, make setting clear, you are the main character).  Lets work together to achieve what we put yourself to do. 

  Lets Continue to explore the wonders of words.Remember not to wait until the last minute to turn in assignments. .

Having Fun at Fiesta Texas 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Week of May 11-15

Wow! This is the 4th week of the six weeks. This week we will be working on the Action Story. We need to add as many sensory details, transition words, and dialog as possible.  We will be typing the story and creating a cover page representing your Action Story.  There are many things planed for us this week.

Lets continue to explore and analyse SAT words. 

Wednesday:Progress Reports
Thursday: Talent Show
Friday: San Antonio Field Trip

Monday, May 4, 2015

Week of May 4th - 8th

Its the 3rd week of the 6th six weeks, progress reports are due next week. Remember to turn in all assignments on time. This week we are going to continue to work on punctuation, we will finish up with commas and move on to work on semicolons, question marks, italics and abbreviations. Continue working hard to achieve your goals.

This week we will start with lesson 5.  We will continue to work on analyzing, and exploring SAT words.


Monday : 
Thursday: Movie Trip "($10.00)
Friday:  Lock-In @ Peter Piper Pizza ($25.00)

Ac2 E Middle School celebrated Earth Day.
  6th Grade donated a tree to plant in the front of our school.