Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Week of Nov. 27 - Dec. 1st 

Esperanza Rising Ornament Project

The project consists of decorating an ornament representing a particular part or item of the story.  Each student is to write a short summery explaining the following questions.
             *What is the ornament?
·         *How does it represent something in the story?
·         *Why is that part of the story so important?

Project will be worth three grades:

*Creativity on ornament
*Written respond to questions provided

Project is due on November 28, 2017
Presentations will take place on Nov. 28-30

The following are some examples of the ornaments that were done last year (writing).  Pictures are provided so that you can get ideas for your ornament


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Week of November 13-17

Chapter 11 ( Los Esparragos)

1. Describe the new work environment around the sheds and the fields.
2. Explain how the strikers affected the workers and the rate of production.
3. Refer to page 204. What can you say about the change in noise level?
4. What conclusions can you draw from the Immigration sweep?
5. Elaborate on the reason's Esperanza chooses to keep Marta hidden from the immigration officials.

Chapter 12 ( Los Duraznos)

1. Elaborate on the reason Isabel compares "Queen of the May" and Esperanza as La Reyna.
2. Compare/Contrast the reactions of Esperanza and Miguel to the treatment of Mexicans.
3. Describe Esperanza's rant on page 221. What does she think Miguel feels, hearing her statements to him?
4. Miguel told his father he was going to northern California to look for railroads work. In your interpretation of this text, is Miguel's reasoning convincing?
5. From Page 227, elaborate on the reason Esperanza tells Isabel, "I want you to have something that will last more than one day"?
6. What can you say about Esperanza's reactions when she discovers the money orders are missing?

Chapter 13 (Las Uvas)

1. When Miguel first steps off the bus Los Angeles, how does Esperanza feel?
2. How does Esperanza's attitude toward Miguel change when she realized Miguel brought Abuelita to California.
3. Explain the importance of Esperanza's explanation as she retells the journey over the past year.
4. What is the significance of her story in the time span of fruits and vegetables?
5. The first chapter is entitled "Las Uvas",and the last chapter is also entitled " Las Uvas". Why did the author do this? How does this relate to the timeline of the story?
6. In the begging of the novel, Papa tell Esperanza, "aguantate tantito y la fruta caera en tu mano," yet Esperanza does not understand the true meaning. In the fist chapter, Esperanza now experiences this moment with Miguel. what do you notice about the change with Miguel. What do you notice about this change in Esperanza?
7. At the very end of the novel, Isabel is learning to crochet. Why is it important that Esperanza is the person who says, "Do not ever be afraid to start to start over"?

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Week of Nov. 6-10, 2017

The following questions are due on Wednesday 8th.

Chapter 9 (Las Papas)

1. What do you notice about Esperanza as she crochets Abuelita's blanket?
2. Identify why Esperanza feels like she failed Mama.
3. How is the news of Immigration related to Esperanza's fears?
4. Explain how the yarn dolls affected Isabel.
5. Elaborate on the reason Esperanza feels embarrassed to give Mama the stone.

Chapter 10 ( Los Aguacates)

1.  What memories does Esperanza associates with the healing avocado mixture?
2. Describe Esperanza's feelings when the Doctor says no visitors for Mama for a month.
3.What conclusion can you draw form Miguel's explanation to Esperanza regarding racism?
4. What similarities and differences do you notice between Esperanza's camp home and Marta's camp home?
5. What might have happened if Esperanza had not given food to the needy family

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Week of October 30th - Nov. 3rd

The following questions are due by Wednesday Nov. 1st.

Chapter 7 (Las Almendras)

1. Summarize how the surprise affects Mama.
2. How is Miguel and Alfonso's surprise related to their journey?
3. Describe Esperanza's feelings when she asked Miguel, "Which one is yours? Which one is mine?"
4. What conclusions can you draw when Mama suggests Esperanza is old enough to bathe herself?" What conclusions can you draw from Hortensia's responses?
5. How do the jamaicas create a sense of community?
6. Explain the symbolism of the kitten. How does Martha refer to it? How does Isabel feel?
7. What do you notice about Marta and themes involving people, money, and housing?

Chapter 8 ( Las Ciruelas)

1. How would you describe Esperanza's feelings as Isabel departs for school?
2. What might you include on the list about Esperanza's babysitting troubles?
3. What facts would you select to support an argument that dust storm was dangerous?
4. Describe Mama's health after the dust storm.
5. Formulate a theory about why some people are affected by Valley Fever, but not others.
6. What conclusions can be drawn from the scary news the doctor delivers?


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Week of October 23-26

*Questions are due Oct. 25th. Please make sure you read chapter 5 and 6, then answer the questions that are below.

Chapter 5 (Cantaloupes)
    1.    Why is Esperanza nervous at the Immigration station?    
    2.       Why are people boarding a train to return to Mexico?
    3.       Describe the San Joaquin Valley.
    4.       The author uses the character of Marta to teach us of…
    5.       What are the main points the author is making in the chapter?

Chapter 6 (Onions)
     1.       What are the reasons Esperanza dislikes her new home?
     2.       When Esperanza questions Mama about why she is happy and singing, what is Mama’s explanation?
     3.       Explain possible motives behind Esperanza’s statement to Isabel, “You see, this is only temporary. We well not be here for long.”
     4.       Esperanza has two jobs. How are the jobs related to each other?
     5.       How does Mama change in this chapter? Explain how the changes affect Esperanza.

     6.       What conclusion can you draw from the nickname “La Cenicienta! Ciderrella!” as shouted by Marth?

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Week of October 16-17

This week we will be covering chapter 3 and 4.  The following are the chapter questions are due by Wednesday Oct. 18th.

Chapter 3 Los Higo
1.      Think about the setting of the story so far. What effects does the fire have on the overall impact of this chapter?
2.   How does the setting of the burned ranch contribute to establishing the conflict in the chapter?
3.    If Mama and Esperanza had stayed on the Ranch, what problems can you predict they might have?
4.    If Mama marries Tio Luis, what does he suggest for Esperanza’s future?
5.    What reason does Mama gives Tio Luis for needing a wagon? What is the real reason?
6.    What are some of the motives behind Mama deciding to leave for the United States?
7.     Based on the chapter, Mama ‘s actions are primarily motivated by….?
Chapter 4 Las Guayabas
1.      Why can’t the women ride in the wagon just like Alfonso and Miguel?
2.    Why must the group catch the train at Zacatecas and not at Aguascalientes?
3.        When Esperanza was five years old and Miguel was eight years old, they rode in a first class train car. Contrast this first-class train ride to the current ride Esperanza’s experiences.
4.    At the Zacatecas train station, why does Esperanza tell Mama, “We cannot travel in this car”?
5.     What do you predict is in the secret packages that requires water?
6.     Does Mama’s character change in the story? If so, how is it different?
7.    Explain what Miguel means in the statement, “Those with Spanish blood, the fairest complexions in the land, are the wealthiest.”


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Week of October 9-13

We will start reading the Esperanza Rising Novel this week.  Students are expected to read the prologue, chapter 1, and chapter 2 by Wednesday. Also, make sure that you answer the following questions on a sheet of paper by that day as well. We will NOT read in class but, we will discuss the book. There will be a quiz every Friday.

*Make sure that you answer the following questions by Wednesday.

Prologue: Aguascalientes, Mexico 1924

1. Why does Papa encourage Esperanza to lie down on the ground?
2. What does Papa say to Esperanza when she admits that she cannot hear or feel the Earth's heartbeat? Explain the meaning of the quote.
3. On page 1, Papa tells Esperanza, This whole valley breathes and lives." What does Papa mean?
4. For Esperanza, what is the significance of hearing the Earth's sounds?

Chapter 1 : Las Uvas

1.Why does Esperanza have the honor of cutting the first grape harvest?
2. what type of clothing do the cowboys wear? Why must they fully cover their skin during the harvest?
3. The first harvest is Esperanza's favorite time of year. Why?
4. Why does Esperanza associate pricking her finger on a rose thorn with "bad luck"?
5. The fact the Abuelita chooses this particular time to teach Esperanza to zigzag in crocheting suggests that the Grandmother is trying to do what?
6. What do Tio Luis and Marco deliver ti Mama? What does Alfredo and Miguel deliver?
7. Draw a diagram to answer this question. (think of a family tree type of diagram). How are the following people connected to Esperanza's family: Alfonso, Hortensia, Miguel, Tio Luis, Tio Marco?

Chapter 2: Las Papayas

1. What did Esperanza dream? How does she feel upon awakening?
2. Why is this particular day important for Esperanza?
3. Why does Esperanza avoid opening her gifts? What is happening during this time frame?
4. When Esperanza eventually does open her gifts, which one was her most favorite? Why?
5. What is the news Mama received from Tio Luis? Explain why the news is so critical?
6. Why is Tio Luis really want to marry Mama?
7. On pages 35-37, what can the reader conclude about Miguel and Esperanza from the dialogue?Give textual evidence to support this conclusion.
8. By the end of the chapter, why is Esperanza trying to "find" a dream? Give textual evidence to support your answer.


Monday: Fall Pictures
Tuesday:Wear Blue (Bully Prevention)
Wednesday: Wear Pink (Cancer Awareness)
Thursday:wear college/University Shirt
Friday: Wear spirit shirt/ Quiz on Esperanza Rising (prologue, chapter 1, and chapter 2)

Image result for fire prevention

Monday, October 2, 2017

Week of October 2-6, 2017

Wow!  This is the last week of the 1st six weeks. With this comes six weeks exams. We will be having six weeks exams this week. Make sure that you study your notes from the Interactive notebook to make sure that you do well on the exam.

Monday: Wear blue
Tuesday: Reading and Math six weeks test
Wednesday: History and Science six weeks exams
Thursday: Writing six weeks exams
Friday: wear spirit shirt

Thursday, September 21, 2017

 Week of September 25-28

We will continue to cover the story "The Dog of Pompeii" this week. We will cover imagery, and figurative language. Make sure that to turn in all assignments on time to avoid getting points deducted from your grade.

*The following are review questions on the story "The Dog of Pompeii"

1. Who is Bimbo and Tito?
2. About how old is Tito?
3. How many times a day does Bimbo trusts that Tito could stay alone? Be specific and give page numbers to support your answer.
4. How did Bimbo and Tito get their food in order to survive daily?
5.When the author wrote" Tito could really see more with his ears and nose than they could with their eyes", what does that mean?
6. What could be found in the forum? Describe what it looks like Use details from text.
7. What is the bathmaster   Rufus, trying to give warning about?
8. Why is Bimbo tugging Tito and why is the air smokey?
9. Rufus said " Those who will not listen to men must be taught by the gods", were the gods teaching people of Pompeii a lesson or was something else is really going on during the scene of people running, Bimbo tugging Tito?
10.Bimbo got Tito to safety and then left, where do you think he left to and why?

*The Dog of Pompeii Project

Students are to pick a picture, which ever they want, that represents something from the story and create a mosaic . Students are to write a short explanation on why they choose the picture and how does it represents the story. The fallowing are some examples of mosaics:

Image result for mosaicsImage result for mosaicsImage result for mosaics

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

 Week of September 11-17

The following are the review questions on the novel WONDER.
Please make sure that you review them for the test on Friday.

By R.J. Palacio
Part 1 August (3-40)
1. What made Auggie’s birth story so funny?
2. What information do August’s parents keep from him? Do you think they should have lied? Why/Why not?
3. Describr Julian’s personality with examples for support.
4. How do August’s classmates react to him on the first day?
5. Why does August hate the way he eats?
6. What rules do August and Summer make about their lunch table?
7. What two instances give Auggie the impression that people do not want to tough them?
8. Why does August call home sick?

Part 2 Via (pages 82-117)
9. How is August’s family like a galaxy according to Via?
10. How does Via’s relationship change with Miranda and Ella in high school?
11. Why was mom standing outside of August’s door?
12. How does Via convince August to return to school?

Part 3 Summer (pages 119-132)
13. Why does Summer leave Savanna’s Halloween party?
14. Why does Summer get mad at Auggie at lunch?
15. Describe Summer’s view on the after life.

Part 4 Jack (134-185)
16. Why was Veronica so upset?
17. How is Jack’s family different than a lot of the other student’s families at Beecher Prep?
18. Why exactly does Jack punch Julian in the mouth?
19. After reading the emails, what do you think that Mr. Tushman’s opinion on the Jack/Julian situation? What is his opinion on Julian’s mother?

Part 5 Justin (pages 187-204)
20. Why was Via worried that Justin would be freaked out by Auggie’s appearance?
21. How does Justin react to the boys making fun of Jack at the store?
22. Why does Olivia not tell her parents about the play?

Part 6 August (pages 206-234)
23. How does August react to his mother telling him not to go to the play?
24. Why was Daisy so important to Auggie in particular?

Part 7 Miranda (pages 236-248)
25. Why does Miranda lie about having a brother who is deformed?
26. Why does Miranda not go on opening night of Our Town.

Part 8 August (pages250-310)
27. Why is August so nervous about going on the nature retreat?
28. How does the relationship between August and the rest of the boys change immediately after the incident in the woods?
29. Why does August’s father throw out the astronaut mask? Why doesn’t he want August’s mother to know?

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Week of August 28-September 1, 2017

Welcome back students. Hope that you had a great summer and are well rested.  I am so excited to have every single one of you this year.


Monday: First Day of School
Tuesday: (make sure that you read the novel, Wonder, by this day)
Wednesday: First day of discussion on the novel Wonder
 Please turn in all Student information packets.
Friday: Grade Level Assembly @ 8:30am

Image result for welcome back to school

Academy for Academic Enhancement Middle School                  
6th Grade Reading
Mrs. Adriana Cantu


Grading Policy:
Class work, homework, class participation, quizzes, projects shall have the value of 75 % of the six-week grade.
Six Weeks or Novel Final Exam shall have the value of 25%.
A minimum of 2 grades per week will be given.
The semester grade will be the average of the three six-week grades.

Materials Needed:             
One 3 Subject Spiral Notebooks
1 pocket folder with prongs
2 glue sticks
1 pk of colored paper for interactive journal
 (*Students are required to have a pen or pencil to write with. Students will have projects to do throughout the school year and will need materials such as colors, markers, scissors, and glue, but I will let students know ahead of time when they need to bring them to class*
Throughout the course of the class you will be presented with various genres of literature. The material is designed to make you a more confident reader. Throughout the school year, you will gain the necessary skills and knowledge to excel, not only in middle school, but in high school and college as well. The class is designed to discussion based student participation is a priority.

Students will be required to read a different novel every six weeks. The students will read one chapter to two chapters a night and be required to answer discussion questions for each chapter. Discussion questions need to be completed every night and brought back the next day for a grade. Class participation on chapters assigned and discussion questions, along with activities from the novel will also be graded.  

There will be several projects throughout the six weeks based on the novels we are reading. Students should be prepared to work on their own or in groups. Projects will consist of classroom activities as well as project that will be assigned to done at home. The students will be given the information for the projects ahead of time and will be given plenty of time to complete them.

Late Assignments:              
Being present in class every day is important. Every day will build on skills needed for completing assignments. Students are responsible for missed assignments/topics when they are absent. They may ask one of their classmates, or myself, for missed assignments. Missed assignments must be turned in within five days of the absence.

It is imperative that you attend class on a daily basis, as failure to do so will result in you missing out on important information. *AFTER 3 ABSENCES, STUDENT WILL BE REFERRED TO AN ADMINISTRATOR*

Participation in all class activities is necessary to gain a better understanding of the material being covered. A grade will be issued for participation and on class discussions over topics and or chapter questions on novels.

Be in (as opposed to near) your assigned seat when the bell rings and remain there until the teacher dismisses the class. In the event that another teacher or staff member detains you, a signed excuse should be brought to me as soon as possible.

Hall Privileges:
You will have adequate time to take care of business between classes. I will allow you to make restroom trips as you feel necessary UNTIL it becomes an abuse. I reserve the right to take away restroom privileges. If you have a medical condition that requires you to need to go to the bathroom frequently please bring me a medical excuse so that I can be aware of it.

School Wide Violations:
School wide rules are strictly enforced. Violators will receive a warning as a first offense, a call home will be the second offense, and a parent/teacher conference request would be the 3rd offense. At this point, if you are not making an effort to correct the inappropriate behavior, a disciplinary referral will be issued.

Cheating Policy:
Anyone who participates in cheating on a test, project or other assignments will receive a zero for that grade. There is no reason why cheating is ever excusable. If you did not understand an assignment, then let me know and I will explain it to you and grant you an extension.

Class Rules:
Be prepared to apply yourself
Be respectful of yourself and others
Be responsible for what you say and do
Be Diligent with your time
Be safe for yourself and others

Daily Arrival Procedures:
I expect you to abide by the following procedures without me having to call your attention before I make my way to the front of the room:
Come in to the classroom. If the door is unlocked and I am not inside, please make a line outside the door and wait until I arrive. This prevents accidents from occurring inside the room while it is unsupervised.
Grab your reading journal from the appropriate shelf.
Turn in any homework to the indicated folder. Make sure it has your name on it. No name = trash.
Take a seat.       
Have a pencil to write with. Not having a pencil is no excuse to not be ready for class. If you need a pencil, find one BEFORE I start teaching.

When We Have a Visitor:
- When we have someone come into our classroom that is not part of our class (teacher, administrator, student, parent) you are expected to follow the same classroom rules and procedures. You are expected to be polite to the visitor. Do not talk to the visitor unless he/she is talking to you directly. Continue working on your assignment as usual.
- If the visitor needs to speak to me privately, I expect you to remain in your seat without talking until I finish speaking with the visitor.

Two minute dismissal checklist:
To have things run more smoothly, I expect you to do the following when I say “2 minutes” & you hear the appropriate alarm:
Put your unfinished homework away; Turn in any completed assignments.
Put away your binder and journal in the appropriate shelf, neatly.
Gather all of your belongings; Throw away any trash around your table and chair.
Stand by your desk and wait to be dismissed. This does not mean to crowd the classroom door waiting for dismissal.
Cluster Planning: 

If you have any questions feel free to come in and see me during my 8th and 9th planning periods which are from 1:55p.m. to 3:35 p.m. You may call me at 488-6024.

This class will have a blog where I will be posting reminders, due dates, discussions questions, quotes to discussion, and other topics that pertain to the class. Sometimes it will be daily and sometimes it will be weekly depending on the information that needs to be given. Students should check the blog daily to make sure that no new information has been added. Students will be able to comment on blog and participate in discussions on blog.

Tentative Schedule for 6th Grade Reading:

Required Novels:                Wonder by R.J. Palacio (Summer Reading)
                                                Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz
                                                The Giver by Lois Lowry
                                                Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling
*Students are required to purchase their own novels. They may purchase novel on electronic device. However, they may NOT purchase audio version of novel *

(If you have any questions or concerns please let me know)

Monday, May 15, 2017

Week of May 15-19

The stress is over!  Lets look forward to the following dates.  Many fun activities ares scheduled for our students. Tomorrow, we will have a special presentation planed for you all.  Hope that you all like and enjoy it.  Friday we will be going to Six Flags Fiesta Texas.  The following will be our schedule for the trip.

Six Flags Fiesta Texas   End-of-Year Trip
Friday, May 19th

*Arrive at AC2E Middle School at 5:00 am.
*Depart on Charter Bus from AC2EMS at 6:00am
*Arrive at Six Flags Fiesta Texas by 10:30am
(Will be at the park from 10:30am-5:30pm)                     
*Depart Six Flags Fiesta Texas at 6:00pm
*Dinner at Peter Piper from 6:30pm -8:00pm
(5610 W. Loop 1064 N., San Antonio, TX 78251

*Estimated time of arrival at AC2EMS will 12:00am

Monday, May 1, 2017

Week of May 1-5

      Wow! We are so close to taking the STAAR Test, therefore I will be helping out Mrs. I.Lopez.  We will be doing math this week.  Lets continue to strive for the best.  I know that each and everyone of you has the knowledge and capability of doing anything that you want.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Week of April 24-28

Its the 3rd week of the 6th six weeks. We will continue to work on the revising and editing strategies.  We will also, continue to work on informative writing. Make sure that you turn in all assignments on time to avoid  point deduction.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Week of April 18-21

Welcome Back! I hope that you had a restful long weekend.  We will continue to work on Informative essay. Remember that we need to refine our writing to be prepared for  next year.  We will also continue to work on revising and editing. Make sure that you turn in all assignments on time to avoid deduction on points.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Week of April 10-14

Wow! Its the 1st week of the 6th six weeks. Lets continue to get ready for our STAAR tests.  Remember that we need to work harder in order for us to achieve our goals. We will continue to work on revising and editing this week.
                          Image result for happy easter

Thursday: Ester Social/ Easter Egg Hunt
Friday: Holiday