Thursday, February 22, 2018

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Week of Feb. 26- March 2nd

Questions on chapters 12,13,and 14 are due on February 28th.

Chapter 12

 1. What problem was Gabriel having?
 2. What dream had come to Jonas as he slept?
 3. Why didn’t Jonas join his classmates as they talked about their first day of training?
 4. As Jonas watched Fiona walk away, what happened to her hair?
 5. What was The Giver’s explanation for the strange thing that Jonas saw in the apple, the people’s faces, Fiona’s hair, the sled, and the books?
6. Why was the quality that Jonas saw in the sled unchanging while the quality in the other objects were fleeting?
7. Back in time, what had Jonas and The Giver’s people done to color?
 8. How did Jonas feel about his people’s decision to gain control of many things by letting go of others?
 9. How did The Giver feel about the decisions their people had made long ago?
10. What was the next memory that The Giver gave Jonas?

Chapter 13

 1. What was Jonas’s reason for saying the absence of color was not fair?
 2. Why did Jonas find that he was often angry?
 3. Who were the three people to whom Jonas attempted to transmit a memory?
 4. What disturbing and startling memory did The Giver transmit to Jonas?
 5. If Jonas chose to have a spouse and children, what would he not be able to share with them?
6. What happened when the memories from the failed Receiver were released?
 7. What did The Giver say about facts and memories?
 8. Why was Jonas sent away some afternoons without training?
 9. What did Jonas wonder as he stood at the foot of the bridge that spanned the river and led to outlying communities?
10. Why did Jonas ask The Giver to transmit pain to him?

Chapter 14

 1. What painful memory did The Giver add to the second sled ride?
 2. How did The Giver explain the necessity of painful memories?
 3. Explain how The Giver used the memory of overpopulation, starvation, and warfare to advise the Committee of Elders.
 4. Why was The Receiver vital to the community?
 5. Though both he and The Receiver wanted it, why did it seem to Jonas that nothing could be changed?
  6. Why did Father think the newchild Gabriel might be released?
 7. What responsibility would Father face when the male twins were born?
 8. What partial memory did Jonas accidentally transmit to Gabriel?
 9. When Jonas purposely gave him the rest of the memory, how did Gabriel react?
10. Why did Jonas decide not to tell The Giver that he had given a memory away?

Monday, February 12, 2018


Week of Feb. 19-23

Students this is the last week of the 4th six weeks, make sure you study and prepare yourself for the six weeks exam. 

* Questions are due on Feb. 21st. Make sure that you have question and answer.

Chapter 9

1. How did Jonas feel after receiving his assignment?
 2. What did Jonas’s parents tell him about the selection that failed?
 3. Where was Jonas to go for his instruction?
 4. What did Jonas conclude about his exemption from rudeness?
 5. How did Jonas feel about being prohibited from dream telling? 
6. What restriction unnerved him?
 7. What were Jonas’s thoughts about the rule that said he was not permitted to apply for release?
 8. What was the unintentional lie that Jonas had told when he had been a Four?
 9. What frightening, new thought did Jonas have?
10. What problem would Jonas encounter if he asked someone, such as his father, if he lied?

Chapter 10

 1. What did the Attendant do when Jonas entered the Annex lobby?
 2. Why was Jonas surprised that the Receiver’s door was locked? \
3. Compared to Jonas’s home, what was the most conspicuous difference in the Receiver’s living area?
 4. What was the Receiver’s explanation for appearing older that he really was?
 5. Why did the Receiver encourage Jonas to ask questions?
 6. What was the Receiver’s task in training Jonas? \
7. Until he met the Receiver, what had been Jonas’s understanding of “the whole world” and “generations before”?
 8. How had the man received all the memories he held?
 9. Why didn’t Jonas understand when the Receiver talked about riding a sled through snow?
10. Where was Jonas when the Receiver began transmitting the memory of snow to him?

Chapter 11

 1. What was the first memory the man gave to Jonas?
 2. Explain how transmitting the memory to Jonas helped the old man.
 3. Why was Jonas not familiar with sleds, snow, and hills?
 4. How did Jonas feel about the absence of the things in the memory that he had experienced?
 5. Why didn’t the old man tell Jonas beforehand that he was going to transmit the memory of sunshine?
 6. What did Jonas understand about sunshine?
 7. What bothersome question did Jonas ask?
 8. What experience had given the old man the wisdom to start Jonas’s training with pleasurable memories?
 9. What painful memory did the old man transmit to Jonas?
 10. What did the old man tell Jonas to call him?

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Week of Feb. 12-16

Questions are due on Wednesday, Feb. 14th.

Chapter 6

 1. Why did Fours, Fives, and Sixes wear jackets that fastened down the back?
 2. What transportation did Jonas’s family use to get to the Auditorium?
 3. What decision had the committee made about Gabriel?
 4. Explain how the placement of the newchild named Caleb was unusual.
 5. Explain how the transgressions of the Nine called Fritz affected his parents and the community.
 6. What was the story that worried Asher?
 7. What option did a member of the community have if he or she didn’t fit in?
 8. How were couples brought together in the community?
 9. What characteristics made Jonas’s parents a good match?
10. Why was Jonas certain that his Assignment, and Asher’s, would be the right one for them?

Chapter 7

 1. At birth, Jonas had been given the number Nineteen. What did this mean?
 2. What position did the Chief Elder hold in the community?
 3. What happened to Asher when he was a Three because he had difficulty with precision of language?
 4. What was Asher’s Assignment?
 5. Why did Jonas bow his head in shame and wonder what he had done wrong?

 Chapter 8

 1. How many people in the community had the job of Receiver?
 2. What had happened ten years earlier when the committee had selected an Eleven as the new Receiver of Memory?
 3. Explain why the Committee of Elders were certain that Jonas was qualified to be the next Receiver of Memory.
 4. Why was courage a requirement for a Receiver-in-training?
 5. What experience led Jonas to believe he had the Capacity to See Beyond as the current Receiver had said?