Friday, October 23, 2015

October 26-30, 2015


It’s already their 4th week of the 2nd 6 weeks.  We will continue to work on the classroom project (Narrative essay, story map, story book, and the presentations).  Also, this 6th week’s book report is due this Friday, October 26, 2015. Make sure you don’t fall behind with any work. 

This is an example of the book report that is to be turned in by Friday.  Make sure it includes the following:

·         *Cover page (tittle of book, small picture of book, teacher name, student name, class period, and          name of school (ex. Ac2E Middle School).

·         *Brief summary of:

·         *New Vocabulary (5)

·         *New elegant phrases and/or sentences.(3)

 Wordy Words:

This week we are going to be working on a video representing a word from lesson 3. Let’s continue to have a fantastic time exploring the wonders of words. 


* Fall Picture Day (may dress out of uniform, Sundays Best)
* Unit Bulling Presentation
* Join the fight against drugs (Wear camouflage shirt)
*I’m too bright for drugs (Wear a Bright shirt).
*Fall Jamaica (A. Cantu homeroom students are to donate a cake)
*Early release
* Hats off to being drug free (wear your favorite hat)
*Team up against Drugs (Wear your favorite team Shirt)
* Peter Piper Pizza Lock-in (12:00pm-6:00am) students may wear Halloween customs.  $25.00
*Say Boo to drugs!  / Support relay to life (Wear Halloween Costume or wear a pink shirt)  

Payments due dates for the end-of-year trip is as follows:
1st Payment December 4, 2015, of $65.00
2nd Payment March 4, 2016, $65.00

Friday, October 16, 2015

Week of October 19-23,2015


We will be covering preposition and preposition phrases this week. Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. We are also going to be doing an activity with a magazine. I am asking that you bring a magazine of any kind to school on Monday.

These are some sites that can help you have a better understanding of prepositions. 

Wordy Words:

We will be working on the second part of lessen 3 this week. We will also be working on the movie script for a word of lesson 3.  Let’s continue to have fun exploring and analyzing words.

*Make sure that you turn in the commitment letter for the end of the year field trip
* $25.00, for Peter Piper Pizza Lock-in on October 30th.
* Fall Jamaica on October 28th

Monday, October 12, 2015

Week of October 12-17


We will be covering adverbs this week. Also, we will continue to work on our narrative essay. Remember that we need to add the components of a narrative to our body. We will also be working on our conclusions.

Words of the Week:

antiquated  (AN tuh KWAYD uhd) - old and not as useful anymore
        Ex. My backpack has become antiquated.

immaculate  (uh MAK yuh luht) spotlessly clean
        Ex. The hospital was immaculate when I visited it.

Wordy Words:
 This week we will start covering lesson 3. Lets continue to explore the wonders of words.


Monday: Report Card Night AT Peter Piper Pizza from 5:00 pm- 7:00 pm
Wednesday: Wear orange day, team up against bulling
Thursday: Wear University T-shirt
Friday: Wear pink, join the fight against cancer 

* Reminder to start working on your book report it is due on October 30th 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Week of October 5-9


This week is the 1st week of the second six weeks.  We are going to be working about adverbs, and introduction to our narrative essay.  Also, we will be going over some information that will help you do your book report for this six weeks.  It is very important that you attend classes every day so that you don't miss out.

Words of the week: 

zephyr  ( ZEHF uhr)    - a gentle breeze
              ex. A cool zephyr feels good on a summer afternoon.
gamely (GAYM lee)   - with brave spirit
              ex. We played gamely even though we were losing.

Wordy Words 

This week we will be working on the second half of lesson 2.  Lets continue to have a great time learning and exploring the meaning words!


*HESTEC trip on Thursday (October 8) if you still have not paid please bring in $5.00 before Wednesday.  On Thursday we will be leaving at 6:30 from school make sure that you are on time. 

Thursday: Homecoming Parade