Monday, December 14, 2015

Week of December 14-18


This week is the last week of the 3rd six week. We will be working on our book report project, which is due on Wednesday. Please make sure that you turn in all missing assignment to prevent them from harming your final grade.


Monday: Six Weeks test for Reading and Math
Wednesday: Social Studies Test
Friday: Early dismal / Social

Monday, December 7, 2015

Week of December 7-11


This week we will continue  writing our  expository essay.  Also, this week we will be taking the six week test. Make sure that all missing assignments are turned in.  Book report has been extended to Dec. 16 due to that we will be having our six weeks exam this week on Thursday and Friday.

Wordy Words:

Lets continue to have fun exploring the wonders of words.


Thursday: Six Weeks Exam
Friday: Six Weeks Exam

****Make sure to pay the first payment of $65.00
for the end of the year field trip as soon as Possible

Friday, November 20, 2015

Week of November 30 - December 4, 2016


We will be working on the expository body paragraph.  We will be discussing in detail all the component of an expository essay.  It will also be the 3rd week of the 3rd six weeks, progress reports will be going out this week during report pick up night at Peter Piper.  Make sure that all of you turn in all missing assignments.

Book Report for the 3rd six weeks is due December 10th.  

Wordy Words:

We will continue to work on our lesson 5 this week. Remember to have fun and enjoy the wonders of words.


Wednesday: Report pick-up at Peter Piper Pizza
                     (10 points will be given to those of you that take your parents)
Thursday: Wear your university T-shirt
Friday: 1st payment of $65.00 for the end of the year field trip due.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Week of November 16-20


We will continue to cover expository writing his week. We will be learning the different types of introductions.   Also, we will be needing a newspaper and magazine for the upcoming weeks. Students it is very important that you don't fall behind on any of your classes. Remember that if you are absent it is your responsibility to ask teacher for missing work.

Wordy Words:
 We will be doing our movie clips this week so get ready to have great time learning the wonders of words.


* Continue to read your novel, that you will be using for the book report.
* Book Report Due on December 10th

Monday, November 9, 2015

Week of November 9-13, 2015


This is the first week of the 3rd six weeks. This six weeks we are going to be covering expository writing.  We are going to start by knowing what an expository essay is, after that we will start writing.  It is a new six week and I want to encourage everyone not to fall behind in any class. Please turn in all assignments on time to prevent an overload of work at the end.

Wordy Words:

This week we will start with lesson 5. Get ready,  we will also be working on word videos this week.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Week of November 2-6


 This is the last week of the six weeks.  We will be having the Math and Reading benchmarks this week, along with the Science, Writing and Social Studies six weeks tests.  I want to encourage everyone to try their Tests this week. Also, for those of you that have missing assignments, please make sure that your turn them in During this week. It is very important that you do not fall behind an any of the classes.  Once again try your best and remember as Falcons we will SOAR.


Monday- Review Day
Tuesday- Reading Benchmark
Wednesday- Math Benchmark
Thursday - Science and Writing six weeks tests
Friday - Social Studies six weeks test

Friday, October 23, 2015

October 26-30, 2015


It’s already their 4th week of the 2nd 6 weeks.  We will continue to work on the classroom project (Narrative essay, story map, story book, and the presentations).  Also, this 6th week’s book report is due this Friday, October 26, 2015. Make sure you don’t fall behind with any work. 

This is an example of the book report that is to be turned in by Friday.  Make sure it includes the following:

·         *Cover page (tittle of book, small picture of book, teacher name, student name, class period, and          name of school (ex. Ac2E Middle School).

·         *Brief summary of:

·         *New Vocabulary (5)

·         *New elegant phrases and/or sentences.(3)

 Wordy Words:

This week we are going to be working on a video representing a word from lesson 3. Let’s continue to have a fantastic time exploring the wonders of words. 


* Fall Picture Day (may dress out of uniform, Sundays Best)
* Unit Bulling Presentation
* Join the fight against drugs (Wear camouflage shirt)
*I’m too bright for drugs (Wear a Bright shirt).
*Fall Jamaica (A. Cantu homeroom students are to donate a cake)
*Early release
* Hats off to being drug free (wear your favorite hat)
*Team up against Drugs (Wear your favorite team Shirt)
* Peter Piper Pizza Lock-in (12:00pm-6:00am) students may wear Halloween customs.  $25.00
*Say Boo to drugs!  / Support relay to life (Wear Halloween Costume or wear a pink shirt)  

Payments due dates for the end-of-year trip is as follows:
1st Payment December 4, 2015, of $65.00
2nd Payment March 4, 2016, $65.00

Friday, October 16, 2015

Week of October 19-23,2015


We will be covering preposition and preposition phrases this week. Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. We are also going to be doing an activity with a magazine. I am asking that you bring a magazine of any kind to school on Monday.

These are some sites that can help you have a better understanding of prepositions. 

Wordy Words:

We will be working on the second part of lessen 3 this week. We will also be working on the movie script for a word of lesson 3.  Let’s continue to have fun exploring and analyzing words.

*Make sure that you turn in the commitment letter for the end of the year field trip
* $25.00, for Peter Piper Pizza Lock-in on October 30th.
* Fall Jamaica on October 28th

Monday, October 12, 2015

Week of October 12-17


We will be covering adverbs this week. Also, we will continue to work on our narrative essay. Remember that we need to add the components of a narrative to our body. We will also be working on our conclusions.

Words of the Week:

antiquated  (AN tuh KWAYD uhd) - old and not as useful anymore
        Ex. My backpack has become antiquated.

immaculate  (uh MAK yuh luht) spotlessly clean
        Ex. The hospital was immaculate when I visited it.

Wordy Words:
 This week we will start covering lesson 3. Lets continue to explore the wonders of words.


Monday: Report Card Night AT Peter Piper Pizza from 5:00 pm- 7:00 pm
Wednesday: Wear orange day, team up against bulling
Thursday: Wear University T-shirt
Friday: Wear pink, join the fight against cancer 

* Reminder to start working on your book report it is due on October 30th 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Week of October 5-9


This week is the 1st week of the second six weeks.  We are going to be working about adverbs, and introduction to our narrative essay.  Also, we will be going over some information that will help you do your book report for this six weeks.  It is very important that you attend classes every day so that you don't miss out.

Words of the week: 

zephyr  ( ZEHF uhr)    - a gentle breeze
              ex. A cool zephyr feels good on a summer afternoon.
gamely (GAYM lee)   - with brave spirit
              ex. We played gamely even though we were losing.

Wordy Words 

This week we will be working on the second half of lesson 2.  Lets continue to have a great time learning and exploring the meaning words!


*HESTEC trip on Thursday (October 8) if you still have not paid please bring in $5.00 before Wednesday.  On Thursday we will be leaving at 6:30 from school make sure that you are on time. 

Thursday: Homecoming Parade   

Monday, September 28, 2015

Week of September 28- October 2, 2015


This is the 6th week of the 1st six weeks.  This week we will be finishing our narrative essay.  Also, we will be reviewing for our six weeks exam.  Make sure you study your interactive notebooks.

Wordy Words:

This week we will be working on our lesson 2 mini videos.  Remember that they are due by Wednesday.


* Study for all your tests

Friday, September 18, 2015

Week of September 21-25


During the week we will be working on complex sentences.  Also, we will continue to work on our narrative essays. We will continue to discuss the criteria needed to have a well developed essay.

Words of the week:

jocular - playful or joking
                 ex. My friends and I have a jocular time together.
rancid - having a rotten smell or taste
                 ex. A rotten egg would smell rancid.

Wordy Words

This week we will start with lesson 2.  As a class we will discuss words and analyze them.  Don't forget that the end of the first 6 weeks is almost here.  We will work on a mini video with our words  next week.


*Monday  - Attendance pledge must be signed and returned to homeroom teacher.

Wednesday  -  
Early Release September 23, 2015  

*HESTEC trip planned for October.  Students need to bring in $5 for trip.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Week of September 14-18, 2015


This week we will be learning sentences.  We will be learning simple, compound and complex sentences.  Also, we will continue writing our essays. Lets make this week a productive one.

Words of the week:
        emotive - showing emotion
                      ex. A smile is an emotive expression.
         upbraid - scold strongly
                      ex. Yesterday my teacher upbraided me from talking in class.

Wordy Words

This week we will be writing an essay on What Freedom Means to You. We will work on it during class. Think about it. What does freedom mean to you?

Friday: University T-Shirt Money and order forms due. $15.00

Monday, September 7, 2015

Week of Sep. 7-11


This is already the 3rd week of the 1st 6 weeks. Time is flying by, so lets make the best of it. We will be learning verbs this week: action, linking, and helping verbs. Also, this week we will be taking our 3rd week mini assessment.  This assessment will cover: parts of speech, nouns (proper, common, concrete, and abstract, verbs (action, linking, and helping), and the writing process. Lets make this week a great one.

Words of the week:
temperance - self-control
                   ex.  I have to show temperance when I eat cookies.
Obscure- hard to figure out or understand
                   ex, The answer to  the math problem could be obscure.

Wordy Words
This week we will start with the mini video representation of your words.  Remember that the video has to represent your word, also  students have to include the definition of their word, and a short explanation.

*3rd week mini assessments this week
Friday: Cookie dough Orders and money due

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Aug 31 – Sep 4, 2015

Honors Writing 
Hope you all enjoyed your first week at school.  I am looking forward to spending the rest of the year surrounded by spectacular students. This week we will be going over nouns (proper, common, concrete and abstract). We will also be going over the writing process.  Let’s have a great week this week and remember to give it all.  

Wordy Words

We will continue with the second section of lesson one.  I have enjoyed looking at all your composition note books, let’s continue embellishing them with your work. 

* All forms must be turned in by Monday.  
 *T-shirt money due Monday.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Week of August 24-28

Welcome back students! Its going to be a great year full of fun activity. During this year, I know that together we can do wonders.
Remember that  together we S.O.A.R.!

This is a copy of the 2015-2016 Syllabus

6th Grade Honors Writing
Mrs. A. Cantu

AC2E Middle School
School: (956) 352-6324

To the student:
                You are about to study writing in sixth grade. It requires more understanding and mastery of the rules of English grammar as well as a high level of skillfulness in crafting pieces of writing which expresses deep and carefully thought-out ideas. Skillful writing does not come easily for most people. It involves a lot of work and persistence in doing it right. But once it happens, the rewards are great. It is like a mother who has given birth to an adorable child! Take heart. You are about to embark on an adventure!

Ø  2 composition notebooks
Ø  1 package of paper
Ø  1 folder with 3 prongs
Ø  1 pack of pencils
Ø  1 box of Ziploc bags
Ø  1 package of highlighters (yellow, pink, blue, green, and orange)

Course Objectives
Primarily this course requires the students to write a multi-paragraph essay in the form of a personal narrative or an expository piece. Each of these has its own requirements which will be examined in detail in the course of each six weeks. Secondly, this subject demands from the students a consistent command of usage rules as well as conventions of the English language as applied in the essays that will categorize the learners on an accomplished level.

Course Overview
Among the main topics of this subject are the parts of speech, sentences, sentence structures, combination of sentences, punctuations, conventions; drafting essays with a clearly defined focus, appropriate organizational strategy, precise word choice and vivid images, use of simple, compound, complex sentences, internal and external coherence, and effective introductions and concluding paragraphs.

Teaching Strategies
This course will employ various methods that have been found effective in enabling students to learn and are supported by data as to their usefulness. Cooperative learning, lecture, Socratic questioning to elicit student responses and understanding, the use of depth and complexity in planning and implementing lessons, journal writing, oral presentations, recitations, role playing, mnemonics, acronyms, diagramming of sentences, thinking maps, open response questions, and rubric scoring will be utilized as part of classroom techniques of instruction.

Ø  Grades will be computed according to two categories: class work (75%) and tests (25%). Class work involves participation, recitation, assignments, homework, projects, journals, binders, writer’s notebook, book reports, and others. Tests entail quizzes, six weeks exams, and benchmarks.
Ø  I will not assign a grade of “A” for late work. I will count 10 points off per day of late work. If work is turned in and is of good quality, it will not be assigned a grade lower than a “70”.
Ø  Work not turned in will be recorded as NHI (not handed in) or M (missing) on the student portal so that grade reports will compute the grade as zero until handed in.

Tardy Policy
Tardies are minutes taken away from learning. Students who are chronically tardy waste the most valuable commodity in school - time.
Tardies at Ac2E Middle School accumulate all day and start over at the new 6 weeks. These will be referred to the office with consequences.
Ø  Tardies 1-4 Teacher records and warns the student.
Ø  Tardy 5 – Referral to administrator. Parent contact
Ø  Tardy 6 – Referral to administrator. Parent,  teacher, administrator meeting
Ø  Tardy 7 – Referral to administrator. ISS at home campus assigned.
Ø  Tardy 8+ - Referral to administrator. Student will be transferred to home campus.
Discipline Plan
1. Follow teacher’s written and spoken directions the first time given all the time.
2. Ask permission before leaving seat, talking, going to and from anybody and anywhere in the classroom.
3. Keep hands and feet to oneself.
4. No gum, food, or drinks are allowed (except when permission is given and during special occasions).
5. Talk softly and respectfully.
Classroom Rules
  1. Follow directions quickly and the first time they are given.
  2. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
  3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourselves.
  4. Respect your classmates and your teachers.
  5. Adhere to district uniform policy at all times.
  6. Keep your Teachers Happy  J
Everything we do in life has consequences. Consequences are the things that happen to you when you choose not to obey the rules.  This is what will happen if you choose to violate one or more of the classroom rules.
  1. Verbal Warning/Reassignment of seat
  2. Student and Teacher Conference
  3. Parent Contact: Letter or Phone call
  4. Parent and Teacher Conference/with Student
  5. Referral to principal
-During special circumstances first 4 steps can be bypassed.
Work Expectations
Journals, assignments, homework, book reports, projects, presentations, and other products will have their specific formats to be explained and required by the teacher. They must show professional quality (neat, in correct formats, deep and insightful content, presentable to professionals).  They have to be consistently followed by the students. Any digression or non-compliance of these expectations will result in the work not accepted or not graded until the format is followed.
This class will have a blog where I will be posting reminders, due dates, and things that will be discussed in class. Sometimes it will be daily and others weekly depending on the information that needs to be given. Students and parents should check the blog daily to make sure that no new information has been posted.
If you have questions feel free to come in and see me during my 8th and 9th planning periods which are from 1:50 p.m. to 3:35 p.m. You may also call me at (956) 352-6324.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Week of May 18-22

We will continue with the Action Adventure Project.  We will Finalize our projects Monday and Tuesday, and start presentations on Wednesday. Remember to include all components discussed (sensory details, dialog, make setting clear, you are the main character).  Lets work together to achieve what we put yourself to do. 

  Lets Continue to explore the wonders of words.Remember not to wait until the last minute to turn in assignments. .

Having Fun at Fiesta Texas 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Week of May 11-15

Wow! This is the 4th week of the six weeks. This week we will be working on the Action Story. We need to add as many sensory details, transition words, and dialog as possible.  We will be typing the story and creating a cover page representing your Action Story.  There are many things planed for us this week.

Lets continue to explore and analyse SAT words. 

Wednesday:Progress Reports
Thursday: Talent Show
Friday: San Antonio Field Trip

Monday, May 4, 2015

Week of May 4th - 8th

Its the 3rd week of the 6th six weeks, progress reports are due next week. Remember to turn in all assignments on time. This week we are going to continue to work on punctuation, we will finish up with commas and move on to work on semicolons, question marks, italics and abbreviations. Continue working hard to achieve your goals.

This week we will start with lesson 5.  We will continue to work on analyzing, and exploring SAT words.


Monday : 
Thursday: Movie Trip "($10.00)
Friday:  Lock-In @ Peter Piper Pizza ($25.00)

Ac2 E Middle School celebrated Earth Day.
  6th Grade donated a tree to plant in the front of our school. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Week of April 27 - May 1, 2015


We are on the 2nd week of the 6th six weeks. We will be working on a couple of projects this week. We will start by writing an Expository essay on (Your Ideal School). We will continue by making a brochure and a flyer, promoting your ideal school. Also, we will go over the different kind of punctuation. Lets make this week a great one. 

We will continue to have fun exploring and analyzing SAT words.


Monday-GT Projects
Tuesday-GT Projects
Wednesday-Wear Autism T-Shirt
Thursday-Wear University T-Shirt, Plant Tree
Friday-Wear Falcon Spirit T-Shirt 

*Deadline for Peter Piper Pizza Lock-In $25.00
May Day

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week of April 20-24, 2015

We have worked all year to get you ready for this week's tests. Its all on you, remember that you are prepared for this and that you will do it.  The best of luck to every one of you taking the test and remember that together we will SOAR!!!

Monday: STAAR Math 8th Grade
Tuesday: STAAR Math 6th & 7th Grade
STAAR Social Studies 8th Grade
Wednesday:STAAR Reading 6th & 7th Grade
STAAR Science 8th Grade
Thursday:Field Day
Friday: Autism Walk @ Joe R. Sanchez Stadium 9:00

Monday, April 13, 2015

Week of April 20-24

  Lets give it all this week!!! Its the last week of the 5th six weeks.  We will continue to write our essay (The Most Important Lesson). Also, since this week is the last week of the 5th six weeks we will be reviewing for our sic weeks test on Friday. Remember together we will SOAR!

We will continue to explore the wonders of words. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

WEEK OF APRIL 6-10, 2015

This week we will be learning about prepositions. We will learn what a prepositions is and how we apply them in our daily language.  We will also start writing an essay this week. Students make sure that you turn in all missing assignments. The following is a website that will be very helpful to you this week.  in this page the define a preposition, and some examples to help you better understand what prepositions are and how they are used.

We will continue with Lesson 5 this week. Get ready for this exciting week.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Week of March 30-April 6, 2015

This week we will continue to work on nouns and adjectives. Also going to be working on elaborating sentences.  Make sure to turn in all missing assignments.  

W. W.:
We will continue to discuss lesson 4.  Lets continue to have fun, exploring the wonder of words.

Good luck to all 7th and 8th graders taking the STAAR test this week. Remember that you can do it. 

Together you will SOAR!!!

Monday: STAAR 
Tuesday : STAAR
Thursday: University T-shirt
Friday: Spirit T-Shirt
              Early release
              Panoramic Picture money due 

*$100 for the end-of-year field trip due 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Week of March 23-27

This week we will continue to write our final draft for our essay. Also, we will go over nouns, pronouns, verbs and adverbs. The following are some websites that will give you a better understanding of what these are and how they are used.

Wonderful Words

This week we will start with lesson four.  We will continue to explore the wonders of SAT words. 

Thursday: University T-shirt
Friday: Spirit T-shirt

* Ens of Year Trip Money Due on April 3rd 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Week of March 16-20

Welcome back! Its that time again, to get back on task.  This week we will be going over the different types of sentences. As we all know there are four different types of sentences which are declarative, imperative, exclamatory and interrogative. We will be going to be discussing the different characteristics of each type of sentence. The following sites will help you have a better understanding of what each of they type of sentence is.

Wonder Words:
We will continue to discuss and analyse SAT words. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

 Week of March 2-6, 2015


 This week we will be learning the importance of combining sentences.  We will work on some activities to improve sentences by combing them to create a more effective way to convey a message.  Be ready to have some fun this week! These are some pages that can aide you to have a better understanding of combining sentences.

Wonderful Words
We will continue with the second part of our Lesson 3 words. Research each of the words, remember the better that the more information that you have of a word the better that you will be able to understand it. 


Monday: Panoramic Picture
Tuesday: Dr. Seuss's B-DAY!
Wednesday: Open House
Thursday: Wear college t-shirt
Friday:* PI day
           *Wear Spirit t-shirt

Spring Break next week (March 9-13)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Feb 23-27

This is the first week of the 5th six weeks. WOW! During this week we will be learning about figurative language.  We will learn that we use figurative language in a daily basis without knowing. 
Lets make this week a good one. 


Monday:Panoramic Picture 
Thursday: University T-Shirt Day
Friday:Spirit T-Shirt Day/ Starr County Youth Fair Field Trip

* We are collecting the end of year Field Trip money. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Feb. 16-20


Wow! This week is the last week of the 4th six weeks.  We will be taking the MATH and READING District Benchmarks, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Good Luck to all and remember to try your best. We will continue to work on our story script. Presentations will take place this Thursday and Friday. Also, reminder, make sure that you turn in all missing assignments if you have any.

Tuesday - Math Benchmark
Wednesday- Reading Benchmark
Thursday- University T-shirt
Friday - Spirit T-shirt